Welcome to the Bathers Library newsletter!

Welcome! • Reading Groups • Library Recs • Support • East Bay Booksellers Pop Up


Welcome to the newsletter! Thank you for being a friend/supporter/being interested in what I’m doing! [Note: You are receiving this message because you either a) submitted your email or b) you are a friend of mine and I wanted to let you know what I have been up to or c) you are both of those things. (If you feel you’ve received this message in error, there is an unsubscribe link at the end of the email. No sweat, obviously!)]

Okay, so what is Bathers Library/what is going on? Bathers Library is a storefront in downtown Oakland that I’m working on turning into a lo-cost/free art school/event space/library/small press/book shop. The idea is to make a flexible space to gather for reading groups, workshops, classes, events, artist residencies, screenings, pop-ups, radical political meetings and dinners, and to fund the space via memberships and through sales from a very small bookshop in the front. It will also be a functional artist book library which will be open to the public to peruse, and for members to check books out (more on that below).

I came to the space (which previously was the home of Bloom Screenprinting), between Johansson Projects and Of Soil & Moss, thanks to a tip from the incredible Lisa Cralle (check out her gallery, Personal Space next time you’re in Vallejo—it is the best!) and I’ve spent the last few months slowly building it out and kind of refining what it is that I wanna try and attempt to conjure in there. It’s honestly been a bit of a chaotic emotional/physical/financial journey, but I’m starting to see it coming together, which is really cool to see.

Over the summer, as a means of getting things going, I released a first series of Bathers Library conceptual art games by some of my favorite artists, and I am extremely grateful to them for their work and for being the kindest most generous collaborators I have known. You can find copies of these in the shop or order them in the online store. I’m just getting going on curating the next series, so if you’re as pumped about artist games as I am, get in touch!

All this is to say—it’s already been a bit of a journey to get to this point—while at the same time it hasn’t even really started. So what does that even mean? Who knows! All I know is I’m so excited/I’m so scared to be here starting this thing and thankful that you all are here with me (virtually) to get it going. Now on to the news!


The fall/winter semester of free/lo-cost art school at Bathers Library is kicking off with a call for proposals for reading groups! Reading groups can be about pretty much any subject/author/theme/whatever you are passionate about reading and studying and talking with others about. They can be IRL or online and will last about 8 weeks. Find out more on the site and feel free to share this call with anyone you know who might be interested!


If you are looking for ways to support Bathers Library as it gets going, please consider becoming a member. Memberships will help to pay reading group facilitators and with construction costs(!) and book purchases for the library. In the future, members will receive various benefits for their contribution (a percentage off in the store, discounted event admission, special merch, etc). Right now, the membership will just be a way to support the space and help me get it going. I want to get the project started and see how it functions before conceptually committing to the potential benefits of membership. I created this “v1” membership as a way for friends who are interested in helping out to help out. Thank you in advance for considering it!


I really want the library to be an ongoing reflection of the community that surrounds it, so I’m inviting you all to suggest up to 5 books you’d like to see in the space! The only guidance I’ll give is: 1. These should be books that have changed you, shaped you, or informed the way you think in some way. 2. These should ideally be books you have actually read, not necessarily books you think should be read. I will do my best to get as many of the books y’all suggest. And if you have books you’d like to donate/loan, there’s room on the form for that info too!


And, last but not least, join us Friday, October 4th for our second East Bay Booksellers pop up! If you weren’t already aware, EBB suffered a devastating fire over the summer, which completely destroyed their College Ave storefront. They’ve been working hard to raise money to keep their staff paid and to find a temporary location. Come by for First Friday and say hey to Brad and the crew, pick up a few books and support East Bay Booksellers’ quick recovery!

That’s all for this month! I would love to hear from you and show you around the space in progress! Get in touch if you have any questions or are looking to collaborate in some way (or maybe help organize books?). Looking forward to seeing y’all at the East Bay Booksellers pop up! Info on grand opening plans in the next newsletter installment, I swear!
